General Fund

Please use the link below to give to our general fund through our new online giving platform, Zeffy. 100% of gifts given through Zeffy go to our church and we pay nothing in transaction or credit card fees. Zeffy does accept donations to help offset these costs, but if you do not wish to give to support Zeffy then you may select "Other" and then put "0" in the space where a donation amount is requested.

Pastoral Residency

Please use the link below to give to our pastoral residency program through our new online giving platform, Zeffy. 100% of gifts given through Zeffy go to our church and we pay nothing in transaction or credit card fees. Zeffy does accept donations to help offset these costs, but if you do not wish to give to support Zeffy then you may select "Other" and then put "0" in the space where a donation amount is requested.